The 4 pillars in the HSA Community

Goal Definitions

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Below are some considerations for setting a goal:

  • A goal is something you are going after that you’ve never done before (no layups).
  • A goal is designed to help you grow, it causes you to draw something from yourself that you didn’t even know was there (stretches you).
  • If you know how to reach your goal, the goal is not going to do for you what goals are designed to do (padding results).
  • If you’re really going to accomplish something, you’re going to need to be inspired by going after something you really want, it’s going to have to come from inside (dream big).
  • Type A goals are doing something you already know how to do (ie, layups). Type B goals are what you think you can do (not hard). Type C goals are your wants (stretches you). What you really want. Type C goals come from your fantasies (wishes/dreams) and are originated through the effective use of your imagination.

Goals Serve as a Compass:

  • A goal is a hypothesis with a specific outcome.
  • A goal is also only a milestone, not a true end state. All goals are stepping stones to something beyond. Once accomplished, then what?
  • If you have no passion driving a goal, it won’t do much for you. Passionless goals are meaningless to you. You’ve got to wake in the morning excited about your goals, or you won’t focus on them, nor will you show enthusiasm for them.
  • Goals are framed as be, do or have. Be something, do or accomplish something, or have something. (i.e., be a doctor, win a Super Bowl, have a boat). If I am a doctor and do no doctoring, what have I really gained? If I win a super bowl and do nothing after, so what now what? If I get a boat and never use it, how has that impacted me?
  • Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. Goals help us set the course for doing more.
  • Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.